Agricultural Chemicals

For all crops, micronutrients are equally as vital as the primary NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, & Potassium) plant foods. The only difference is the amount; plants need relatively small quantities of micronutrients. The quantity of a micronutrient that a particular crop will require varies. Corn will require nitrogen and zinc in the ratio of about 100 to 1. But, the lack of zinc can make the difference between a 100-bushel per acre harvest and a crop failure. The deficiency of one or more micronutrients or secondary nutrients, can be very costly in the long run.

Micronutrients Functions Within the Plant Soil Type and Condition Where Deficiency May Occur Crop Most Susceptible to Nutrient Deficiency
Boron (B) Essential to actively growing tissue in the new growth; necessary for pollen viability and good seed set. Occurs in acid-leached soils, coarse textured sand soils, peats and mucks, drought conditions, overlimed soils, alkaline or low organic matter soils. Alfalfa, apples, beets, citrus, clovers, cotton, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, corn, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tree crops, sugar beets, and tobacco.
Copper (Cu) A major part of necessary photosynthesis enzyme. Very important during the plant's reproduction stage. Occurs in sandy soils, peats and mucks, overlimed soils, and in high concentrations of iron and manganese. Small grains, corn, vegetables, tree fruits, wheat, carrots, and onions.
Iron (Fe) Promotes formation of chlorophyll. Occurs in alkaline soils, in calcareous soils when cold and wet, in soils where phosphate has been excessively applied. Beans, soybeans, corn, sorghum, tree fruits, ornamentals, grasses, milo, lemons, limes, and rice.
Manganese A part of important enzymes involved in respiration and Protein synthesis. Occurs in acid soils (low pH) and in highly-weathered acid leached soils, and in soils with low Phosphate levels. Soybeans, small grains, tree fruits, cotton, leafy vegetables, dry beans, and sugar beets.
Molybdenum (Mo) Essential for nitrogen fixation by nodule bacteria in legumes. Essential for nitrogen redustase performance nitrate to amine form. Occurs in acid soils (low pH) and in highly-weathered acid leached soils, and in soils with low Phosphate levels. Cauliflower, citrus, tobacco, and all legumes.
Zinc (Zn) Important as a catalyst for growth regulators in plants and the use of other nutrients. Affects maturity. Occurs in calcareous soils (pH of 6.0 or above) after leaching and erosion; in acid leached soils; in coarse sands; and in soils where Phosphate has been excessively applied. Also in low organic matter, or overlimed soils. Beans, soybeans, citrus, corn, sorghum, onions, potatoes, tree fruits, flax, sugar beets, wheat, cotton, milo, rice, and sweet corn.
Calcium (Ca) A secondary nutrient found in greatest amount in cell walls. Utilized in cell division and involved in nitrogen metabolism. Occurs in low pH soils. Also in areas of high nitrogen applications and hig hpotassium levels, particularly prevalent in the uploand soils of the old cotton belt areas. Alfalfa, vegetable crops, tree fruits, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, sugar beets, celery, citrus, soybeans, and other legumes.
Magnesium (Mg) A secondary nutrient and is a part of chlorophyll. Participates in the activity of enzymes. Assists in translocation of phosphorus in the plant. Occurs in low pH soils. Also in soils where excessive potash has been applied, or in areas of high calcium-lime use. Cotton, cabbage, rots, celery, corn, cucumbers, melons, squash, snapbeans, tree fruits, small grains, onions, potatoes, tobacco, sugar cane, tomatoes, turnips, corn, and citrus.